77. Sink or Swim: How to Survive Being Overleveled

August 30, 2023

This week, our heros discuss over levelling, or ending up in a position where you maybe aren't where you should be. Ending up in this position is not where anyone wants to be.

Lots of folks have ended up in the position of being at a higher level than they maybe should be.

This sounds like a blessing, but it could quickly turn into a curse when you decide to move to a new job where you may be viewed as less experienced than other people at your level.

Overlevelling can happen for several reasons. It’s possible your current team doesn’t have a lot of rigor around promotions or hiring. It’s also possible a new company would offer a higher band to help give recruiters more wiggle room during compensation negotiations.

If you’ve been over leveled it means you may have a hard time making a lateral move and may have to think about making a more horizontal switch.

Whatever the reason, it’s important to ignore titles and focus on your experience level and the context of the team.

A great team will know your level and be able to get you up to speed.


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